Tuesday 11 June 2013

Abandonment in Logistics and Supplychain

In the logistics or in Supply chain terms "Abandonment" is defined as the closing/dis-continue of the services which the providers offer to their clients for a particular route.

A sea-route, air-route and road-route can be abandoned at any time where as the rail route abandonment needs the approval from ICC which regarded as one of the premier bodies in terms of  Logistics and Supply chain.

The recent day example of the Abandonment in Logistics is called by the Lebanese truckers' syndicate to abandon the Damascus road in syria due to the recent violence in syria.

Saturday 23 March 2013

What is ABC analysis

ABC analysis is defined as the "Classification of items in an inventory according to importance defined in terms of criteria such as sales volume and purchase volume".

ABC analysis categeries

‘A’ items – 20% of the items accounts for 70% of the annual consumption value of the items.

‘B’ items - 30% of the items accounts for 25% of the annual consumption value of the items.

‘C’ items - 50% of the items accounts for 5% of the annual consumption value of the items.

ABC analysis Diagram

ABC Analysis






Understand what is ABC analysis easily

For more details on other terms realted to ABC analysis in inventory management please browse through the other articles in Inventory Categery.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

What is Logistics: Definition of Logistics

Definition of Logistics: Logistics is defined as the management of the flow of resources between the point of origin and point of destination in order to meet some requirements.

Definition of Logistics by Logistics Management Council:

The council of logistics management set the Definition of Logistics as below, "Integrated planning,control,realization and monitoring of all internal and network wide material,part,product flow which includes the necessary information flow in industrial and trading companies along the complete value-added chain of the product life-cycle for the purpose of confirming to customer requirements.

Diagram showing the Definition of Logistics

Logistics Definition
Logistics Definition

Watch this video to understand the Definition of Logistics

Finally we end with " the organization of moving and supplying troops and equipment as an another Definition of Logistics.